Since 1977, Lisco has been your premier choice for honest and reliable residential, commercial & industrial heating and air conditioning services in Cleveland.
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(440) 237-1777

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12608 STATE RD

North Royalton, OH 44133

Premier Heating & Cooling Services Since 1977

(440) 237-1777


Dry Air Tag

Lisco Heating & Cooling > Posts tagged "Dry Air"

Harmful Effects of Dry Air

Winter weather is more than just plummeting temperatures, it also means low humidity levels and dry air. Humidity is determined by the amount of moisture in the air.  Cold air holds much less moisture than warm air, which is why your home always feels dry in the winter and more humid in the summer.  These humidity fluctuations can directly contribute to problems relating to both your family’s health and the preservation of your home. Air That is Too Dry Can Cause: Increased Risk of Colds, Flu &...